Welcome to this online whisky guide where you will find over 60 brands of whisky available to buy online. You can also access the great selection of Scottish Single Malts, Scottish Blended Whisky and Scottish Grain Whisky by clicking on the above links.
Also on this website we have a great range of bottles from Spirts By Post. They have a large number of whiskies available to buy online today, but also supply other types of spirits including Rum, Vodka, Gin which are also listed on this website. We also have a Champagne sections, so we cater for everyone's needs.
All the individual bottles are written about in great detail from where they were distilled, to the type of water that is used to produce them and you will find these bottles directly below.
Great Whiskies will explore the taste of each of the whiskies and give as much information as possible to help you decide if you would like to consume these whiskies. They all have a correct price on the page (at the time of writing) and where you can purchase the brands. All you have to do is just click on the link provided, and this will take you to a seller who will deliver worldwide.
I have tried to have a full range of different kinds of whiskies on this site from around the world. I am not stating that these are the best whiskies in the world, but all that are present are full of character and well worth a tipple or two. The list is in alphabetic order on the left for easy navigation and, as you will see when reading the pages, the detail is about the brand of whisky, but also mentions other whiskies that the distillery produces or produced. There is a whisky for everyone on this site so just click the links and read about the brands and distillery details. Most of the distilleries do have tours so remember if you get the chance, visit them as the tours will show you how whisky is made. It can be like stepping back in time with the historical backgrounds that are on display with some of the older distilleries.